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Basketball and Buddhism share a deep connection. Buddhism has been practiced in many countries for thousands of years, and it has had a profound impact on their cultures. Basketball, although a relatively new sport, has been embraced by many of these countries, particularly in East and South Asia.

Buddhism teaches the importance of compassion, selflessness, and mindfulness, values that can be easily applied to the game of basketball. Compassion allows players to work together as a team, selflessness encourages players to put the team first, and mindfulness helps players stay focused on the game.

Buddhism also promotes the idea of non-attachment, or not being attached to the outcome of a game. This allows players to play freely without fear of failure or judgement.

In many countries, basketball has been embraced as a way to practice Buddhism and its values. Buddhist monks have been known to take up the game and use it as a way to learn and practice their faith. There are even Buddhist basketball teams in certain countries.

For some, basketball and Buddhism are two sides of the same coin. By combining the two, players can find a sense of balance and peace that can be hard to come by in today’s world.



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