篮球 投手 用英语 国际篮球比赛专用球


篮球 投手 用英语:

A basketball pitcher is a player who stands at the three-point line and throws the ball into the basket. The pitcher is usually the player with the best shooting accuracy on the team. A pitcher's primary goal is to score points, but they can also help the rest of the team by setting up plays and passing the ball to teammates. They must have excellent hand-eye coordination, a steady arm, and the ability to read the defense. They must also be able to shoot accurately under pressure and react quickly to changing circumstances.




篮球最佳投手标准 八国篮球争霸赛7月20

篮球最佳投手标准 八国篮球争霸赛7月20


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篮球 投手 用英语 篮球可以用假动作吗

篮球 投手 用英语:A basketball pitcher is a player who stands at the three-point line and throws the ball in...

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