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Basketball crossover is a move used by a ballhandler to get past a defender. It is a combination of dribbling and changing direction that confuses the defender and allows the ballhandler to get around or past him.

The crossover involves the ballhandler dribbling the ball with one hand while quickly crossing the ball over to the other hand, usually as a change of direction. The ballhandler will usually make a quick stop or change of speed and direction to keep the defender off balance. The crossover is often followed by a quick burst of speed to break away from the defender and create space to shoot or make a pass.

While the crossover is a basic move for all basketball players, there are many variations and advanced techniques that can be used to confuse the defender. For example, a player can fake a crossover by starting to move in one direction and then quickly changing direction without crossing the ball over. This can be a very effective move as the defender will often react to the fake and leave the ballhandler open.

Another variation of the crossover is the between-the-legs crossover. In this move, the ballhandler starts by dribbling the ball between his legs and then quickly crosses the ball over to the other hand. This can be a very effective move if done quickly, as it can confuse the defender and create space to shoot or make a pass.






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