麦基 篮球小说 篮球裁判法 英文


麦基 篮球小说:





篮球裁判法 英文:

Basketball referees enforce the rules and maintain order in basketball games.

The referee is responsible for calling fouls, making sure that the players follow the rules, and watching for any dangerous or illegal practices. Referees can issue warnings, technical fouls, and ejections when necessary. They also determine when timeouts are taken, and make sure that the game is played within the allotted time.

The referee is the ultimate authority on the court and must be respected by players, coaches, and fans. They must remain impartial and objective, and must make sure that all players are treated fairly and equally, regardless of their race, sex, or ability.

The rules of basketball are designed to keep the game fair and exciting for players and fans. The basic rules include: no traveling, no double-dribbling, no pushing or holding, no charging, no blocking, no illegal screens, and no unsportsmanlike conduct.

Players must also adhere to the rules of the court and must follow all instructions given by the referee. They must also respect the authority of the referee and follow all of their decisions.

Basketball referees can also be asked to officiate other basketball-related events such as 3-on-3 tournaments, slam dunk competitions, and other special events. Referees are expected to be knowledgeable about the rules of basketball and must be able to make quick, accurate decisions.


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