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Shooting a basketball is the act of propelling the ball from a player's hand towards the basket with the intent of scoring points. The most common types of shooting are the jump shot, lay-up, and the free throw.
Jump Shot: A jump shot is made by jumping with both feet off the floor and then releasing the ball at the peak of the jump. The player's feet should land at the same time to maintain balance and stability.
Lay-up: A lay-up is a shot taken close to the basket. The player takes off from one foot, jumps off the other and releases the ball at the peak of the jump.
Free Throw: A free throw is an unopposed shot taken from the free throw line, which is located 15 feet from the basket. The shooter must remain stationary, with both feet on the floor and no part of the body touching the ground outside the free throw line. The player must remain motionless until the ball has left their hand.